Get Your Green Pill
\n\n Welcome to pilled party where your appetate for some green goodnes will\n be fullfilled.
\n One pill per address, just pay mint fee.\n
\n Connect your wallet and GET PILLED (note: this project is on Optimism\n network)\n
\n\n \n
\n\n Looks like you have been already pilled. Here is your pill:
\n Manifesto:
\n {{ }}
\n {{ jsonManifest.description }}
\n \n
\n green pilled ..... this project was inspired by the \"GREENPILLED\" book of \"How Crypto Can Regenerate The Worls\" found at GreenPill.Party \n idea for this project is for the users to get green pilled.... and have a record to show for it \n green pill is just an SVG image that will store pilled number, date of pilled (D>O>P>)\n only cost assosiated with this project is a minting cost , mint contract is created on L2 (layer 2) \n network. Contract address is \n 0xC25e8598d8....54007719CA\n if you really enjoy your pill and are having a great trip on it you can go crazy and #TipDaDev @ logipunk.eth
\n have Fun ....peace....
\n this contract will only allow one pill per wallet address
\n ~logipunk.eth~\n